June 2nd to 3rd, 2022
Lagkadia was the town that none of us wanted to leave, that none of us had enough time in, that none of us thought could be beaten.
It was the town that almost had us mutinying against our tour guide and our Rick Steves itinerary.
But the journey there was almost more exciting than the town itself. After a long drive (in which we could see more and more of the coast) we detoured back into the mountains, our bus driver George dropped us off at a train station, where we took a cog train ride to a small town in the mountains.
This was, perhaps, the most gorgeous natural scenery of the entire trip; the views of the valley from the train were unlike any other.
After the train, we went by bus to a very small restaurant called Piges in the mountain town Kalavrita, where we served trout that had just been caught in the stream the bubbled next to our tables; one of our adoptive trip parents had to teach me to debone my fish since it came out whole, head and everything.

After that delicious lunch, it was just us and the long, gorgeous ride into Lagkadia, down winding roads and through the mountains, listening once again to Greek myths.
When we got to Lagkadia, it seemed almost too good to be true. It was a tiny, quiet town, snug in the mountains, which could be picked out from the scenery by its gorgeous, terracotta stone roofs.

We were welcomed like family by the owners of Hotel Kentrikon where stayed, and then were sent across the street to view some traditional Greek dancing at the Maniatis Restaurant.
Many of us, including Anna and I, were pulled into the dancing group!

After our gorgeous views, gorgeous dancing, and wonderful dinner, all there was left to do was go to bed; this is why it was so hard to leave Lagkadia, we were there for such a short time and it was so wonderful!
The entire way down the mountain the next day, we complained about our too-soon departure.
The fast flowing stream in front of the restaurant starts from under a large rock just a short distant walk from the restaurant.